Our Salve is recommended for dry skin, rashes, itching, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, chicken pox, shingles and other conditions of the skin. It is also used as a skin rejuvinative. Many moisturizers are in this SALVE to soften and soothe the skin. It may be used as often as you wish and is also used by many doctors, nurses and others who constantly wash their hands. Mechanics like it, too! This salve was made to melt at body temperature. It changes viscosity similar to coconut oil. It won't become a liquid, however, at cooler temperatures it forms little solid butter spots. If it is more solid than you like, drop it into a bowl of hot water to soften to the consistancy of your choice. Warming the SALVE helps eliminate the solid spots. It soothes and moisturizes!
Propolis Salve
Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Beeswax, Raw Honey, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Aloe Vera Oil, Avocado Oil, Rosehip Seed Oil, Avocado Butter, Mango Butter, Propolis Powder - 80% propolis, 20% carob powder and Royal Jelly.